Thursday, February 5, 2009

thoughts on, "when it rains it pours..."

Soooo, after receiving the news that I would be hooked up to at least one machine daily for the next two weeks (Sunday/Mondays news) I have to admit I got a bit bummed and then fairly worried for the first time. Don't get me wrong, I have had a couple of other moments but for the most part I have been positive and taking the news as it comes. This was different. Mortality - bam. I picked myself up, put smile on and faced the machinery. By yesterday I was almost cracking through that smile. Three straight days is exhausting! My body shakes all of the time, on and off, of the machines. My tongue can taste virtually nothing - which on the renal diet I am not missing much. I have a slight headache and really, it is a bit unnerving to see one line of red fluid pulling directly from your heart going a machine and another line pumping it back in. Rains it pours, BUT THEN.......

Right in the middle of it, Melissa and Peyton show up with bright smiles on their faces. They came to surprise me! I have to admit that I am afraid slept through most of their visit. Three days of work, anti-nausea, benedryl and emotion - not a good combo for visiting. However...what peace to open my eyes, here and there, and see them smiling at me. Geez was that really only yesterday?!?!? Can't wait to see you again - mmmmm, Peyton hugs! Thank you! BUT THEN........

After being changed to dialysis, I was pleasantly surprised by a visit from my old friend from Israel, Michele Clegg!!! She lives in Logan, UT but was visiting her dad in Oregon (thanks for sharing her Ken!). She came at a time when I was alert and able to visit and she lifted my spirits even more and enjoyed every minute with her. What a beautiful woman you have become Michele! I am so impressed by your intelligence and sense of humor! What a life plan and much love and goodness. I only hope I can find the same the next time around! Thank you for sacrificing your time to come all this way. You are an angel - still. BUT THEN.......

I got back to my room at about 7:30 pm and got settled and in came Jamie. Alone no more, sad no more. What a day. I think the Heavens know just what you need when you need it.

My numbers are still right around the same. Nothing new to report. Just hooked up to machines for another week trying to get this silly thing under control. They do have other plans if these fall through, but we won't go there til we have to. I am not even asking. Whatever has to happen I will get better! I heard a quote today o the effect of, "Don't be afraid your life will end, be afraid it never began." I have no fear. My life is wonderful and is moving forward and I look forward to beginning it again and again outside of these four white walls. When it rains, it pours - that goes for good things as well.

Love you all!


  1. Lannette,you are AMAZING! I've told you that 100 times but it's so true! You have incredible strength and courage! YOU WILL pull through with flying colors! We are praying for you and your boys! Get better so we can take you to Ca. to the beach! Love, Jason and NancyGolly

  2. Peyton says, "Lannette hugs, mmmm...! Annalyce liked the hug from you (through me). I love you. Get better soon. Good-bye."

    Annalyce says, "Hi! Hope you feel better. I wish I could have visited you too. Thanks for the hug. Next time you see Seth, tell him hi and give him a hug for me too. Love you very much. Get well soon. Good-bye."

    I was sad that you were so exhausted, but I'm glad to know we cheered you up a bit. Love you! We will come again, but call first this time.

  3. Hang in there Lannette. I am glad to hear that you have had some visitors to lift your spirits. YW isn't the same without you... we are counting the hours until you return!

  4. Hey Lannette
    Remember how I updated my phone when I left. Well I ended up deleting your entire phone entry- Oops. anyway can you email me your #.
    Thank you

  5. Hi, Lannette,
    I have been reading the blogs every couple of days and I just want you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am so glad you have had some visitors you love to be with. Hopefully Doug can get back over there soon. He has a way of keeping everyone smiling! Hugs, Judy Johnston

  6. I can hardly believe my friend is in the hospital. I have been looking for you all these years to find you here. Jill tells me you won't do things like facebook but I can tell you that I believe you will like anyway. I have spoken with Celeste and she will more than likely be in touch as well. I have missed you very much over the years and hope to talk with you soon. Jill tells me you saw some of my photos of my kids. Your boys are darling. Hope we can have a real conversation soon. All my prayers and my love. Marcus
