Tuesday, January 20, 2009


It's been an odd day today. For Lannette and America. They switched her bed last night and gave her an "air" bed which was supposed to take the pressure off her backside.....it was only slightly worse than root canal or water torture. It looks alot like a playpen with high sides. The only things missing were her stuffed animal George and a little sensory overload mobile hanging above her. A baby blankee woulda been nice...you know...to go with her thumb sucking. After virtually no sleep, we have her regular bed back. Everyone showed up all at once today. Physical and occupational therapies, the kidney team and the blood team all showed up at once. So of course the PT and OT people had to come back later. The hierarchy has been established. At first the decision was to skip both treatments for the day, but then we found out they put plasmapheresis back on the menu. Speaking of menu, she now has to order off of the "renal menu" which basically means I (Doug) will be going out to eat or lose a quick 20 lbs. It makes me want to turn bulemic. We think it might be because of a few meals that didn't make sense to the doctors....clam chowder, taco salad and a cheeseburger....which Lannette ate virtually none of. No wonder they decided to limit it a bit. Vacation's over. She is just now getting into her procedure. It is 4:20 Tuesday. Oddly enough the whole hospital has shifted it's attention off of Lannette and on to some sort of inauguration thingy the apparently is happening today...who knew? We think it's very rude. If one more person asks us if we are watching it....well.....we just might leave. Lannette did do some walking around the 7th floor today. First time up. Although she was very tired; there was no nausia, which is a huge improvement. We have been told we will even be able to take a roll outside a bit later if she still feels up to it. Her renal team just came in and they are going to run some more tests tonight and/or tomorrow. Lannette is looking forward to a good night's sleep and a better day tomorrow....and not just so that people will stop talking about all this inauguration foolishness. Hehheh. RON PAUL 2012.


  1. Well, I guess I will have to take up my comments with Michele..."I told Sister Perkins and now everyone you knew ten years ago knows"....Hmmmpf! I really hope I didn't overstep any bounds though. I just know it was important to me to hear about you and I figured it would be to everyone else also. (And in my defense, I have gotten a LOT of positive comments back thanking me for letting them know.) You are very loved and everyone is concerned about you. We all do hope you are steadily getting stronger and "well-er" day by day. It good that you have such a buoyant spirit. (And I do agree with Michele - the more prayers, the better!) Thanks to you, Doug, for the constant updates. It would be nice to meet you! Love, Lynne (Perkins) and all of the other Perkinses - Jerry, Beth, Adam and McKay!

  2. thank you, Doug, for creating and updating this blog. Please give L a big hug and let her know that all of her buddies in YW are missing her! And, for the record, this news is way more interesting to me than the size of Obama's pores (yes, that was acually a topic of discussion and swooning - good grief)
