Friday, January 23, 2009

good morning all

So we got good news from my labs last night...platelets jumped! Not enough to get out yet, but enough that my Heme/Onc team is going to talk to my renal team about taking me off of plasma exchange for this weekend to see what my body decides to do with itself. Also, my LdH level, which is an indicator of how my antibodies attacking my cells is down from 1800 to slightly above normal which is 150-200 range.

Other good news...I GET AN ENEMA today!!! Something about not going poo in atleast 10 days has them as worried about not going pee in 10 days as well. ;) Doug is COMPLETELY opposed to it and was sure to tell my team exactly that. He figures I am close enough to diamonds and we could really use the money. Can't have it all!

on to my LONNNNNNNGGGGGGG day...


  1. Yeah! Congratulations - sounds like you're well on your way!

    We miss you and thank Doug for setting up the blog-
    Hang in there!
    Nicole & Molly

  2. Yippee! So glad you continue to do better and better. Seems our prayers are answered bit by bit.

    Any chance, Doug, you could post a photo of yourself so some of us who have not yet met you can see who it is to whom we owe so much gratitude?

    Love you Lannette, keep up the progress.

  3. Got pictures to put up for you . . . please call with your password so I can put pics on your blog!!!
