Sunday, January 25, 2009


So Lannette is doing well. yesterday the Snyder fam came to kick her hiney in some games....which they, and I did....quite easily, in fact. Humility is fun! The fun and games were really the calm before the storm though. After they left it was ENEMA TIME!!! So one sideline aspect of her condition has been the strange urge to covet her own Poo! She has not had a bowel movement of any real quantity in over 2 weeks. Hence the emema action. Her bowels didn't feel the need to actively participate in this game plan, though. So she was up most of the night having enemas. It was not a restful night. The biggest problem with not having the bowel movements is that it is resulting is a high potassium level. Although she did expunge a bit of poo, the decision was made to go ahead with dialysis today to get rid of the potassium build-up. It is not a big deal, just helping her blood out. There is some great news though. Even without plasmapheresis her platelet levels jumped to an amazing 121,000 (150k is normal). This means her body is taking care of itself more and more. She is also producing more peepee. My advice to all is to roll your 401k plans into DEPENDS UNDERGARMENTS for a few weeks......! So that's what's happening.

Im feeling poetic now...

You all have shown so much love and caring
and through this blog with you we are sharing.
We thank you so much for all you do,
now that she's peeing, pray for Poo!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lannette,

    I am so excited. I like Doug's poem. Who would have thought your boyfriend would write a poem about your elimination process. Greg and I are planning on watching the boys so your parents can go to the movie tonight.

    We love you, and you are in our daily prayers.

    Mary Parks calls your Mom almost daily for an update.

    Love Gloria
